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Citing with Zotero

There are two ways to cite references using Zotero: Quick-Citing and the Word Plug-In

Word Plug-In

This Zotero feature requires Microsoft Word (if the computer you are using does not have Word installed, skip to Quick-Citing below)

  1. Open Word, or restart Word
    • Once you install Zotero, the Word Plug-in will cite automatically)
  2. Locate the plug-in in Microsoft Word
    • Look for a toolbar, similar to the ones below
      • Depending on your version of Microsoft Word, this might be in different places—look either under Add-Ins, under Tools, or for a small pop-up window

A screenshot of the Zotero 5.0 cite screen

A screenshot of the word plug-in in Zotero 4.0

  1. Start citing
    • Create an in-text citation using the insert citation button [#1 in figure above]
      • Select a citation style
      • Search or select the citation in your Zotero Library
    • Generate a bibliography [#2 in figure above] (this requires at least one in-text citation)
      • To change the style you cited in, click on the Doc Preferences [#3 above]
      • If you need additional styles you can download them at the Zotero Style Repository:


  1. Right-click or Control click on a source in your Zotero Library (use shift to select multiple sources)
  2. Select “Create a Bibliography from Item” from the drop-down list
    • To create an in-text citation, use the Citations output
    • To create a reference list, select the Bibliography output
  3. Choose an output method (Copy to Clipboard is easiest for pasting directly into a document)
    • ​​Paste into a document or open the document (if output was RTF or HTML)  


ZoteroBib is a interactive web tool that lets you create citations using a title, URL, ISBN, DOI or other identifiers to create citations and bibliographies.

Go to to use the tool.

This page based on the Davidson College Library Zotero guide, shared under a CC BY-SA license.