If asked to retrieve folder and/or boxed material(s), all student assistants are required to wear closed-toe shoes, in the case a box would fall and land on the foot. Because of the shelving units in the Preservation Room and Annex (RL 1021), a ladder is needed to reach some of the material(s). There are two ladders in the department located in the Preservation Room and Processing Room. When pulling material(s), be careful and mindful of what is inside of the boxes. Some boxes are light, while others are extremely heavy with fragile material.
In the case of being the sole staff member, the front door must be locked at all times! If you need to ask the restroom, then take a student worker key to swipe in and out of the department.
In the case of an emergency, if no full-time staff in the department are present and someone comes into the department to use materials, the department cannot be left unattended due to the nature of the material. All student assistants' must call the department's backup: