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University Archives and Special Collections Handbook

Policy and procedure manual for the UASC unit

Opening Procedures

The unit opens at 8:00 AM, Monday through Friday.

If the University Archivist or Senior Library Assistant is not there, go to "Library Administration" on the 2nd floor. Ask the administrative assistant, for the key to unlock the front doors. At 8:00 AM, turn on all of the lights inside of the department such as:

  • Main Reading Room
  • Preservation Room
  • Digitalization Room
  • Library Associate and Library Assistant office
  • Processing Room
  • Center for Communal Studies (unless the administrative assistant is there).

Next, unlock the following doors in the department such as:

  • Main front doors
    • Main doors remain locked if there is only one student employee on duty.
  • Interior doors
    • Digitization Room, Processing Room, and Center for Communal Studies.
  • Library Associate and Library Assistant office doors need to be propped open with door stops.

Lastly, place display materials out in hallway such as:

  • Plastic plaque, wooden A-sign (i.e. - Cool Old Stuff), Archie the Eagle, or any other displays designated for the outer hall.

Daily Routine

When arriving to work, leave all personal belongings (i.e.- backpack, purse, keys, etc.) in the designated box in the office of the Library Associate and Library Assistant. Each box will be assigned to the student.

Your first shift of the work, all student assistants must sign and fill out your timesheet (pink sheet of paper) for that work week.

  • If anything else, sign your timesheet.

After completing these tasks, grab your scanning project and go to the student worker station in the front of the department.

  • If there is already a student at the front desk, sit at the student station next the Library Associate.

At the end of your shift, clean up the station and make sure everything is put back in its proper place.

  • No slides in a slide holder, etc.

Place your scanning project back in the office of the Library Associate/Library Assistant on the book cart.

Friday Clean-Down

  • An hour before the department closes, student assistant who close must clean the department. Located behind the student assistant front door station, there is a spray bottle and cleaning rag. If they are empty or dirty, let the a staff member know immediate. The following areas should be cleaned:
    • All student assistant stations in the Digitalization Room, front door, and Office of the Library Associate/Library Assistant.
    • Clean all table tops in the department lobby.
    • Floor mop the Preservation Room.

Closing Procedures

Unit closes at 6:00 PM (unless stated otherwise), Monday through Friday. Closing procedures are to start ten minutes prior (~5:50 PM) and the following should occur:

  • Shut down all student assistant computers in the Digitization Room, Center for Communal Studies, and next to the front door.
    • Do not log out but shut the computers completely down.
  • Turn off all the lights (except for the lobby, which should done last) and close all department doors: Digitization Room, Processing Room, Center for Communal Studies, and the offices of the University Archivist and Library Associate/Library Assistant.
    • Make sure all doors are locked and secured.
  • Double check and make sure the light in the Preservation Room is turned off.
    • Once done, turned off the lights in the main lobby.

Once completed, double check and make sure the front door is lock and close the Library Associate/Library Assistant office doors are closed. When leaving, check the front doors and make sure the doors are locked and all lights are off.