Kate Sherrill - Instructional Services Librarian
Becca Neel - Reference and Online Learning Librarian
Jennifer Greene - University Archivist
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*Generally, print items take 3-21 days; articles take 3-5 days.
Mission: The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) serves to support the success of all faculty and staff contributing directly to the academic mission of USI. CETL provides holistic professional and organizational development by supporting enhanced student learning, teaching excellence, scholarly contributions, collegial service, inclusive leadership, and each individual's meaningful impact in these areas.
Email: libweb@usi.edu
The Computer Center can help with Blackboard questions and problems with your username and pin number/password.
Email: libweb@usi.edu
The Computer Center can help with Blackboard questions and problems with your username and pin number/password.