Peter Whiting
Scholarly Communication Librairan
Scholarly Communication Unit
David L. Rice Library
The Scholarly Communication Unit of the David L. Rice Library is available to help the USI community navigate new modes of sharing and teaching, including open access, open education, author's rights and copyright. We offer online one-on-one consultations, workshops, and will happily attend group Zoom and Team meetings as well.
Open Educational Resources (OER) textbooks, Physical Geology and Introductory Geology Lab Manual, are now available in SOAR.
The spring 2024 Senior Engineering Projects are now available in SOAR.
Indiana English, the journal publication of the Indiana College English Association, is now available in SOAR.
The Scholarly and Creative Works by the Faculty and Staff of the University of Southern Indiana: Completed During January 2023 - December 2023 is now available in SOAR.
USI Faculty Scholarship including articles & manuscripts, posters & presentations, and datasets are now available in SOAR.
USI Graduate Student Dissertations are now available in SOAR.
The 8th Celebration of Teaching and Learning Symposium at USI is now available in SOAR.
SOAR (Scholarly Open Access Repository) is a digital repository and publishing platform that provides open access to scholarly works created by USI faculty, students, and staff. Rice library is committed to disseminating USI research and scholarship as widely and open access as possible in SOAR.
Why contribute your scholarship to SOAR?
You can create a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for your work if it does not already have one.
Create your Author Profile in SOAR. Check out the Author Profiles in SOAR.
Publishing in a journal that has an APC (Article Processing Charge)? USI Faculty and staff Open Access Funding research guide.
Open Educational Resources (OER) that are Affordable Resources for USI student success. USI Faculty and staff stipend opportunities at USI include the Stipend Program, Requirements, and Stipend Categories.
What can we do for you?
Types of content that can be included in SOAR (to list a few):