ERICLesson planning resources are available through he ERIC database. To find lesson plans and curriculum materials within ERIC:
1) Copy and paste the following into the first search box (including the parentheses):
("lesson plans" OR "curriculum guides")
2) Select "DE Descriptors" from the Select a Field drop down menu
3) Enter the area of study into the second search box (e.g. poetry, theorems, "renaissance art")
4) Optional: If you would like to specify a grade level, enter that into the final search box.
Example -
For a single grade level, enter "grade" followed by a numeral -
e.g. "grade 10"
For multiple grade levels, enter grades as follows:
"grade 10" OR "grade 11" OR "grade 12"
Using OR in this case will retrieve items for any or all of those grades.
If you want something specifically applicable to all three grades, change each OR to AND, and your search will retrieve lesson plans that have been tagged for all three grades.