ASC is a multi-disciplinary, full-text database designed specifically for academic institutions. This scholarly collection provides full-text journal coverage for nearly all academic areas of study - including social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts and literature, medical sciences, ethnic studies, etc. and nearly 4,000 full-text scholarly publications.
Does not require USI login.
Requires Indiana IP address.
Social Sciences Full Text provides sources covering a wide array of subjects, including addiction studies, ethics, public welfare, urban studies and more.
Does not require USI login.
Requires Indiana IP address.
A collection of over 6,000 multi-disciplinary books. Topics include college and career development, health and medicine and business and economics.
Does not require USI login.
Requires Indiana IP address.
*Pro Tip: Simultaneously search Academic Search Premier and Social Sciences Full Text by selecting the "Choose Databases" link above the search box(es), checking the boxes next to the appropriate databases, then clicking "Ok."