Browse Your Textbook – Look through your textbook for ideas that spark an interest. Study the chapter titles and section headings. Consider the pictures and their captions. All of these may be a source of possible topics for further research.
Review Your Course Syllabus/Lectures – Consider the broad topics listed in your course syllabus or covered in weekly lectures (e.g. History of policing, Behavior and misconduct, etc.) for possible ideas.
Study Entries in a Relevant Reference Book – Think about possible topics as you look through the article titles of a standard reference book on policing such as Encyclopedia of Community Policing and Problem Solving. Other reference books are listed in the Reference Books box on the Books tab of this Research Guide.
Remember your research topic or question is to be approved by your professor and submitted on Blackboard no later than Sunday, September 6 at 5:00 p.m. This portion of the RWA project is worth 10 points.