Reference Databases
Gale Virtual Reference Library
ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the U.S.
Book Databases and Catalogs
Journal Databases
America: History and Life with Full Text
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text
To find library databases, go to the Library's Databases page.
Here you have three main options for selecting a database.
1. Click on "Databases A-Z" and choose the database by name.
2. Select a Discipline. You will be brought to a list of databases that are recommended for the particular subject.
3. Select database "by type." Choose from multi-subject, reference, newspapers, or e-books.
For any option, click on the name to access the database. If accessing a database from off-campus, you will be prompted for your MyUSI username and password.
Search for books, ebooks, images, and articles from scholarly, trade, or news periodicals with the Rice Library's fUSIon tool.