Use the following call number ranges to browse the library shelves.
"B" call numbers are located on the 2nd floor of Rice LIbrary.
BF 1-1999 Psychology, Parapsycology, Occult Sciences
- 1-940 Psychology
- 173-175 Psychoanalysis
- 180-210 Experimental Psychology
- 231-299 Sensation, Esthiology
- 309-499 Cognition, Perception, Intuition
- 501-504.3 Motivation
- 511-593 Emotion
- 608-635 Will, Choice
- 636-637 Applied Psychology
- 660-685 Comparative Psychology
- 698-698.9 Personality
- 699-711 Genetic Psychology
- 712-723 Child Psychology
- 795-839.5 Temperament, Character
- 840-861 Physiognomy
- 866-885 Phrenology
- 889-905 Graphology
- 908-940 The Hand, Palmistry
- 1001-1389 Parapsychology
- 1404-1999 Occult Sciences