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EdD Research Guide

Research and library resource guide for the Doctor of Education program

Get the Literature You Need

Find Ebooks and More

The library's collection includes many books in electronic editions that you'll find useful in your research work, all of which can be found in the library catalog. You can also use the catalog to manage your library account, save and automate searches, and other tasks.


fUSIon allows you to simultaneously search the library's catalog and several databases. Use it as an exploratory tool, in order to get ideas about what's available and where in our collections to look for it.

Education Research Databases

Screenshot of EBSCOhost logo from 2018
Any time you see the EBSCOhost logo, you have the opportunity to select multiple databases for simultaneous searching. The brief video below demonstrates how to go about selecting and adding databases to your search. 

Step-by-Step Instructions from Video for Tab Navigation and Screen Readers

  1. Select a non-INSPIRE database from the databases A-Z list such as CINAHL, PsycINFO, or Academic Search Premier.
  2. In the database, select the Choose Databases link that appears after the main menu and EBSCO logo, and prior to the Suggest Subject Terms checkbox.
  3. Select the check boxes associated with the databases you wish to add to the search.
  4. Select one of the OK button options. These buttons are located before the start of the database list, as well as after the list.