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If you have questions about the administrative policies or practices of a traditional journal, an open access journal, or an open access publication option within a traditionally published scholarly journal, fill out the brief form in the link below to begin a conversation with your librarians!
Open Access (OA) scholarship is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. OA publishing shifts the costs of content creation and distribution away from subscribers, so that OA scholarship is freely available to anyone worldwide with an internet connection - no subscription necessary. The elimination of financial barriers to access for readers of OA materials often requires authors (or their funding entities) to pay the administrative fees associated with article publication. These article processing fees (APCs) range widely in cost; however, many funding opportunities and resources exist to aid authors in covering these costs.
Gold OA - publishing open access
Green OA - open archiving, possibly embargoed or not version of record
Hybrid - article-level OA in traditional subscription access journals, usually for a fee
Preprint - version of a scholarly work submitted for peer review including only the original work of the author(s)
Post-print - also known as the author's final version, this version incorporates all changes from peer review, but it has not yet been copyedited and formatted for publication
Creative Commons - a nonprofit organization that creates licenses under which works are distributed with reuse permissions granted upfront
Addendum - attached to publication or copyright transfer agreements requesting additional author rights beyond those already granted by the publisher
Adapted from Molly Keener's Open Access Research Guide from Wake Forest University's Z. Smith Reynolds Library.