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A-Z Databases

This database list includes all of the Rice Library's subscription databases, as well as several publicly available resources. Databases marked (INSPIRE) are freely available through the Indiana State Library to anyone with an Indiana IP address. No USI login necessary!


New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
DailyMed This link opens in a new window
The DailyMed database contains labeling, submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by companies, for FDA-approved prescription and over the counter drug products and medical for human and animal use, as well as certain other products (including cosmetics, etc.) not approved by the FDA.
Guideline Central This link opens in a new window
A large free database of clinical practice guidelines and other clinical reference resources.
Medscape This link opens in a new window
Clinical reference resources and other information for the health professions. Note: While reference content on this site is free, the user experience is slightly better if you sign up for a free account with Medscape.
Merck Manual (Professional) This link opens in a new window
Merck's medical manual and resources, freely available for healthcare professionals (as well as for consumers). A helpful basic clinical reference. This link opens in a new window
Alternate Name(s) U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information
OSTI.GOV is the primary search tool for DOE science, technology, and engineering research and development results and the organizational hub for information about the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information.