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Social Work 341: Social Welfare Policy

This guide suggests print and online resources to help put together the Policy Paper for this course.

Policy Analysis Paper- What Kinds of Sources Will Help Me?

For the Policy Analysis Project, you must choose a social problem to study, which is addressed by social welfare policy that has a working program attached. This implies government legislation or regulation, as well as funding.

You must define the social problem you choose to work with. This includes giving background information on the problem. The library has many reference books and books in the General Collection which can help with this part of the paper. This LibGuide lists some of the best reference books, under the tabs for "E-Reference Sources" and "Print Reference Sources."

Remember, programs are set up by government agencies (federal, state, local.) Detailed information on current programs will be found on federal and state web sites.  Private foundation sites also have good information on the nature and extent of social needs. Check the "Web Sites" tab.

You may want to use statistics to back up your explanation or argument about a social problem and the program that addresses it. For example, if your topic is poverty (and there are several policies and programs involved) you will want to know the poverty income guidelines, and the number of families currently and historically touched by poverty. The best place to start your search for statistics is the library's database called ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the U.S. See the special box describing it under the tab for "E-reference Sources."

You also want reputable journal articles that cover the problem and its solutions through policy/programs. Suggested databases to search are listed under the "Search for Articles" tab.

The library has hundreds of reputable print and e-books on social issues and programs. Use the Catalog to do keyword searches; a reference librarian can help you.  

APA style questions?  Check the "APA" tab.



When you need personal assistance from your experts the Reference Librarians, come see us at the library's Reference Desk. You can also  check out this page for info on texting, calling or emailing us,and even chatting for a quick answer to something. We're generally online 9 am- 5 pm M-F. The chat service is open longer hours in the evening and on weekends.  You can also email us directly at  You can also make a personal consultation appointment with a reference librarian.



SOCW 341 Policy Paper Requirements