You have decided to look into the issues surrounding Energy in this country, but perhaps you do not know where to start... Click into several On-line Reference encyclopedias right from this guide; there is one on all aspects of "energy" and also one on "green energy" . There are even more reference and General Collection books in the library to focus your research. Their call numbers are given, and the reference librarian will help you find them. Check the tabs for Reference, Books, and eBooks.
When you have decided on a topic and need to explore your subject further, look at the list of subject terms and find the ones that relate to your topic. Using those specific subject terms when you search is helpful because all the books and articles in the library and the databases will be categorized under those terms. Note the Selected Journals tab as it suggests specific publications covering energy topics.
When you want to troll the web for other sources there's a list of authoritative sites from the Government or Associations that are involved with renewable energy. Check the tabs for Online Reference and Websites.
The reference librarians are eager to help you find what you need for your work, so come ask us!!